The Spirits of Ellicott City Were Calling…

…but I didn’t listen. I was preoccupied and I fear that I missed an opportunity that will never come again.


Another devastating flood occurred in Ellicott City, MD on Sunday, May 27, 2018. It has been less that two years since the last terrible flood on July 30, 2016.

The destruction of the flood of 2016 was beyond belief, but the flood of 2018 is worse, which is unimaginable.


For the past week, I kept thinking that I should visit Old Ellicott City. It had been some time since I’d strolled down Main Street and every day the thought came to me that I needed to go there.

Fleeting thoughts would come to me that this would be my last chance to see the city as I remembered it, but I didn’t act on these thoughts. I had no good excuse since I live a few minutes away, but I was busy and preoccupied so I pushed the thoughts away. I intended to go soon, in fact, I thought about going on Saturday, the day before the flood, but time did not allow a visit that day, even though I kept feeling that this would be my last chance.

This is a lesson to be learned from the Spirits. They were insistent, but not pushy. They gave me information and daily reminders, but it was up to me to act on that information. It was my choice, and I chose poorly. I missed an opportunity that may not come again for a long, long time. I fear that many businesses will not return this time. Their losses may be too great to recover. It is a sad and tragic time.


My only excuse for not acting on the warnings from the Spirits of Ellicott City is that I was focusing on another important message from the Other Side. This is a message of Global Proportions and I posted the blog today: A MESSAGE OF HOPE. It seems odd that I was focusing on hope, when I was being warned of a great tragedy.

I regret that I couldn’t find the time for a quick visit to Main Street. I know that the Spirits will wait patiently for our return…some day.





Categories: Ellicott City, Ellicott City Flood, Ghost, Maryland, Paranormal, Presidential Souls, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A Time To Fight

Henry and Elizabeth

I was performing a reading on a famous American patriot, but I was interrupted by the looming presence of a large angry man. He demanded to be heard. I wasn’t scared because I could also feel desperation, borne from love.I felt a woman standing united with the man, and I knew she was his daughter. Together they created a formidable force.

I could not deny them. I felt anger, frustration and desperation.King Henry VIII and his daughter, Queen Elizabeth I, came forward with terrible messages. I felt the emotions of King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I, as was their wish. Their visit was brief, but powerful.

I will not mince words. You may not like what the former rulers of England have to say, but as with the presidents, it is not my job to censor what they tell me. They trust me to relay their messages as they are given.

Queen Elizabeth I said:


King Henry VIII said:


Their emotions were so overwhelming that I couldn’t sleep that night.


After the attack, I followed up with the former leaders of England.

They continue to cry out to their people:




Queen Elizabeth I held a single golden leaf. I asked her what it meant.

She said:


My heart bleeds for the people of England. I pray they’ll heed the words of their former leaders who still desperately love their people and country.King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I stand united.

They implore you to heed their words.

Source: A Time To Fight

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Win a Free Reading!

Join me tonight on Into the Parabnormal Radio. Find out how you can win a free

Celestial Hat Reading!

A $100.00 value!

Into the Parabnormal Radio


Categories: Celestial Hats, Ellicott City, Ellicott City Ghostly Happenings, Ghost, Into the Parabnormal Radio, Paranormal, Presidential Souls, Uncategorized | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Why Did George Washington Appear?

Join me tonight on Beyond Reality Radio and find out!

I’m be discussing a few of the photos that I took, including the picture of George Washington’s ghost. The photos I’ll discuss are shown below.

The interview will be online so you can listen anytime.

Beyond Reality Radio





Gnome 2

Gnome 1

Man and Rob












































Categories: Beyond Reality Radio, Ellicott City, Ellicott City Ghostly Happenings, George Washington, Ghost, Ghost Hunters, Gnome, Middleton Tavern, Paranormal, Presidential Souls, Uncategorized, us presidents | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Barnes & Noble Debut

Please join me this Saturday!


Categories: Ellicott City, Presidential Souls, U.S. Presidents, Uncategorized | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Super Moon Ghost Hunting


A Super Moon and gorgeous weather provided the perfect setting for our ghost hunting adventure at the Point Lookout Lighthouse in Scotland, Maryland.

Excitement was high as we began our investigation at the most haunted lighthouse in the United States, but we were about to discover the downside to ghost hunting experienced Spirits. The Spirits at the Point Lookout Lighthouse get plenty of practice playing with ghost hunters. We had to book almost a year in advance for a chance to tangle with these spirited spooks!

There were six in our group and one was quite nervous about searching for ghosts in a dark, creepy house in the dead of night.

Can you imagine?


Bright Orb

Unfortunately for our Nervous Nellie, the Spirits decided to focus on her! I guess they needed a bit of excitement after being bored with experienced ghost hunters. They obviously loved hearing her screams.

The Spirits enjoyed a game of Cat and Mouse all night. We’d go to a room, wait, then we’d hear a noise in a different room. We’d move to that room,  wait, and the noise would move to a different room. It went on like this for quite some time, until our Nervous Nellie got brave and took some pictures with her phone.

That’s when the fun began.

The pre-flash display on her phone – and only her phone – showed orbs shooting across her phone screen. We went from room to room chasing these playful Spirits. Sometimes we’d see three orbs shoot across the phone screen at once, but the elusive orbs always managed to escape being caught in the photo. The only time she caught something was when two orbs darted up the staircase and she caught a picture of the orb light tails.


Orb tail going up the stairs.

The most active room was the ladies bedroom. There were several women lighthouse keepers and we spent more time in this room due to the high level of activity throughout the night. A review of the photos revealed an interesting form in the window of the ladies bedroom.


Ghostly specter in the window of the ladies bedroom

This was a great adventure located on a peninsula in the picturesque setting of the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay. If you want a true test of your ghost hunting skills, come to the Point Lookout Lighthouse for a tough examination given by some slippery Spirits!


Categories: Ellicott City Ghostly Happenings, Ghost, Maryland, MD, Orb, Paranormal, Point Lookout Lighthouse, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | 7 Comments

Upcoming Events

Please join me at these events. I can’t wait to meet you!








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The Scary Red Hat Society

Red Hat

Before I could see Hats on Souls, I’d never heard of the Red Hat Society.

Unfortunately, I discovered their dark secrets.

The Red Hat Society is an international organization and I’m sure there are happy members all over the world, but I wish to relate my experience in the hope that others will learn from my sad tale and do some research before jumping in as I did.

After I made the discovery of seeing Hats, someone suggested that I join the Red Hat Society. It made perfect sense. After checking out their website, I anticipated a joyful experience in sharing my ability to see hats with my new friends. I mistakenly thought that a society that celebrated hats would be delighted with someone so connected to hats.

Silly, silly me.

The website talks up a good story and it sounds great, but it’s a perfect example of “Buyer Beware”. I didn’t catch on to the fact that if you’re under fifty years old, forget it. Qualifications should mention that a Medicare card is required.

My local group meets once a month and my busy schedule finally allowed me to attend a dinner at a local restaurant. Previous meetings were held further away and after the kazoo incident, I wished I had attended a meeting at one of those less-convenient locations.


One of the members was celebrating a birthday, so everyone pulled out their Birthday Kazoos. After instructions on what end to blow out of (it’s the large end by the way), a Happy Birthday Kazoo Serenade was played.

We weren’t at a local pancake house or McDonald’s. We were at a nice restaurant, near my home. I prayed that my neighbors were all having dinner at home this night.

When the discussion turned to trips and vacations, I mentioned my trip this year to Costa Rica. I assumed that this fun group, as advertised on the website, which also endorses fitness, would share my joy of days filled with snorkeling, horseback riding on the beach, zip lining through the jungle and my first surfboarding lesson. Instead, I was met with deafening silence and stares. I felt as though I’d just declared that I was an alien visiting from another planet.


After our first and only get-together, the group leader checked out my book, Presidential Souls. Without reading the book or asking me for clarification, she called me early the next morning and informed me that I wasn’t a good fit for the group. I was told that they are a Christian group and my beliefs do not fit in. I attempted to give some explanation and I said that if she read the book she would get a better understanding of the true nature of my beliefs, but her mind was already made up.

Obviously, I did not wish to remain a member of this crabby, narrow-minded society, especially when the leader had someone from the corporate office call me to complain about my beliefs! When I told the woman from corporate headquarters that I was looking for a local professional organization of my peers to share the Red Hat Society’s claims of fun and friendship, I was told, “This is definitely not a professional organization!”

No kidding, really?

For me, I’m going back to ghost hunting. The Ellicott City ghosts I hang out with are infinitely friendlier, a lot more fun and a hell of a lot less scary!

Crabby Guy

My Ellicott City Crabby Guy



Categories: Ellicott City, Ellicott City Ghostly Happenings, Goblin, Paranormal, Presidential Souls, Red Hat Society, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Have a Rum and Ghost at the VFW

Grunge USA Flag


It was a weekend of Spirits, ghostly birthday reminders and fun!

I attended an investigation at a local haunted VFW Post. Regular ghosts at this lively VFW include:

Skippy: a foul mouthed sailor who likes rum and coke. We picked up several  of his foul expressions on the ghost box. We had to cut him off.

Gene: loves cigars and was in attendance this night when we smelled his cigar smoke. Ghosts don’t have any respect for “No Smoking” signs.

Mike hangs out in the hallway as Vick sips his wine. We caught a few others lounging in the chairs by the bar:


During an amazing interactive flashlight session, the recently deceased Joe acknowledged that he is safe on the Other Side and he has been happily reunited with his wife.

Finally, we have the Unknown Orb guarding the Memorial Corner. The names of members on Sick Call are posted and a reserved table, chair and empty boots complete the memorial for all veterans and those lost in the service to their country.


And then there’s Grandma.

I’m usually the one who remembers every birthday, but this year I’ve been so preoccupied with my book release that I forgot the anniversary of my grandmother’s 104th birthday.

Never fear. She reminded me.

It was the weekend and I got up early, let the dogs out and went back upstairs to do some work on the computer. A few hours later I went downstairs and the television was on. No one had been downstairs. Even the dogs didn’t have access to the room where the television was located. I turned the TV off, and went back upstairs. I came right back down, and the TV was on again. No one was around, and no one could have turned it on. It’s never done this before.

My son and husband finally got up and came downstairs. I mentioned the television and my son said that last night while he and his friend played video games, the music box started playing. We haven’t played that music box in ages. The music box is directly under the haunted television. Then my sister texted me reminding me of my grandmother’s birthday.

The pieces finally fell into place. My grandmother was known for her lack of skills with electronics, but obviously she’s picked up a few pointers on the Other Side. This is the same grandmother who called my husband on his cell phone the day of our daughter’s wedding. Grandma was letting me know then that she’d be in attendance at the wedding, and she was reminding me now that it was her birthday.

Happy Birthday Grandma!


Grandma as a young mother

Categories: Ellicott City, Ellicott City Ghostly Happenings, Ghost, Orb, Paranormal, Presidential Souls, Uncategorized, VFW | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Spirits Speak!

V1 - Moulden - Presidential Souls Cover Mockup 2

The Spirits of the Presidents finally have their say! Hear what they have to say in

Presidential Souls

Now available on Amazon

Presidential Souls on Amazon

Categories: Ellicott City, Ellicott City Ghostly Happenings, George Washington, Ghost, Paranormal, Presidential Souls, U.S. Presidents, Uncategorized, us presidents | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

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